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me, working

About me

Hi, I'm Minseo Park. I'm an independent researcher and software developer working in the field of computer graphics. I founded a company called (/sixty-one, three-fifteen/), where I serve as the CTO. At , our goal is to create technologies that make it possible for anyone to tell their own stories using computer graphics and interactive techniques.

Curriculum Vitae (31 December, 2022)

Selected projects

augmented reality media installation

Interactive installation of the hologram-like rendering engine.

· Metaverse Festival & Expo 2022, Seoul, South Korea


real-time indoor positioning with Ultra-wideband (UWB) sensing

Tracking the location of a large number of agents using UWB signals for the production of a broadcast entertainment program.

· Commissioned by Kakao Entertainment, South Korea

Embeded CUWBWebSocketVue.jsMQTTAndroid

position-based dynamics on the web browser

Rendering and simulating rope-like bodies, including necklaces and earrings, upon user interaction.


real-time rendering engine for hologram-like human figures

Digital re-enactment of intangible cultural heritage. Continuously acquired 3D human figures recorded in mesh data are rendered and placed in an AR environment.

GPU InstancingGLESMetalAndroidiOS

physically-based rendering on mobile devices

Rendering a digital clone of merchants and goods in an AR environment.



"If there is a single patch of shade, I can reach anywhere!"

· IGF 2016 Student Entrant, Game Developers Conference, United States

Game2D RaytracingGLESGLSL

"Star Sailor"

The sailors are fascinated by the vastness of the universe, but they miss Earth at the same time...

· IGF 2015 Student Entrant, Game Developers Conference, United States

GameDeferred LightingVertex Skinning

Ask me anything

Here are some of the questions I get asked most often. Have a different question for which you can't find here? Send me an email to get in touch with me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Where do you live?
I'm currently living in the city of College Station, Texas, as of the year 2024.
What exactly do you do?
I'm interested in making computer programs go faster. Computer graphics applications and image synthesis operations are of particular interest to me.
Why you do it?
Everyone has their own stories, and they matter. I want to enable everyone to tell their stories through computer graphics and interactive techniques.
How you do it?
I work on physically based modeling that simulates the real world, and I create computer programs out of it.

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